Eating & Body Concerns

Restore a positive, healthy bond with your body and with eating.

Society's unrealistic expectations of beauty can lead to obsessive thoughts about appearance, feelings of inferiority because of weight, and the idea that happiness is within reach only if you lose a certain amount. But don't forget: You are not alone in your fight against calories or yourself. There are resources available to help free you from this cycle and foster a healthier relationship with body image and food.

Signs you may need help

Unhealthy restriction of food and calories

Imposing too many dietary limitations and caloric caps can have serious detrimental health effects. Restricting food and calories may cause an unhealthy relationship with eating, leading you to become overly anxious about certain foods or even feel guilty when consuming them.

Obsessive thoughts regarding food or your body

Do you have a preoccupation with food or body image? If so, this could be indicative of an unhealthy relationship between yourself and nutrition. Obsessive thinking can manifest in many ways - like comparing one's body to false ideals found in the media, feeling inadequate because of your weight, and believing that only when certain goals are met will true happiness ensue. These thoughts should not go unchecked; rather they should be addressed for better physical and mental health.

Keeping secrets about eating behaviors

When we keep our eating habits hidden, it can be a sign of an unhealthy bond between food and ourselves. We may do this out of fear, guilt, or shame - yet the secrecy will only lead to feeling isolated, anxious, and even depressed. If left unchecked, such feelings could eventually pave the way for more serious issues like disordered eating patterns.

Using laxatives

When used excessively or for the wrong reasons, laxatives can be a sign of an adverse relationship between food and body image. Laxatives are usually taken to aid in passing stools when suffering from constipation or incontinence. However, if abused they can have serious negative implications such as dehydration and electrolyte imbalances which may eventually result in heart complications.

Post-meal purging

Engaging in purging activities, including throwing up, taking laxatives, and engaging in extreme exercise after meals is profoundly hazardous to your health. It can cause electrolyte imbalances from dehydration, harm the esophagus due to vomiting, as well as deficiencies of essential nutrients because food isn't correctly assimilated. If left unchecked these conditions could become severe and life-threatening if not managed properly.

Intense fear of weight gain

An unhealthy relationship between food and your own body can manifest as an intense fear of gaining weight. This could lead you to engage in extreme behaviors such as excessively restrictive diets, disordered eating habits, or even skipping meals altogether. Additionally, this worry might cause you to become extremely focused on your physical appearance and obsess over any minute changes in your weight. Ultimately, the strong anxiousness regarding gaining extra pounds may stop you from taking part in activities that used to bring joy into your life – leading you down a path of loneliness and depression.


Binging on food can be indicative of a troubling disorder and an unwholesome bond with sustenance. Characterized by regular episodes of overeating, often done in privacy or separation, binge eating may result in guilty feelings, humiliation, and aversion that only deepen the situation. People who struggle with binge eating tend to have difficulty controlling their consumption habits despite being aware of its negative influence on health-- leaving them feeling powerless to prevent it from occurring.

Everyone faces struggles in life, but it's essential to remember that you are not alone. If you or a loved one is dealing with any of the above signs and symptoms, treatment is available and can drastically alter your situation for the better - even potentially saving lives. At Integrative Mind, our clinicians specialize in nutritional guidance and dietary management as well as psychotherapy, family therapy sessions, medical supervision plus much more; all geared towards helping those suffering from eating disorders or disordered eating conquer their issues.

Major medical condition

The diagnosis of a long-term medical illness, such as cancer or an autoimmune disorder, can be emotionally draining and lead to psychological distress. This stress can have detrimental effects on physical health by impacting one's will to actively manage their condition.

Coming to terms with a medical diagnosis can be hard, often leading to feelings of anxiety and depression. We may even find ourselves avoiding the situation altogether. The strain of an illness extends beyond just one person and might deteriorate relationships if left unchecked. Conversely, by embracing this challenge you stand to gain immense personal growth as well as healthier connections within your family circle.

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