
Heather Rolland, LCSW Heather Rolland, LCSW

Navigating Relationships and Mental Health: Steps to Preserve Your Well-being

Sometimes symptoms like inattentiveness, forgetfulness, concentration or focusing issues, irritability or erratic behaviors have a profound impact upon loved ones, partners, or housemates, but the person experiencing these feelings, thoughts, or behaviors remain unconvinced that they need treatment. What can you do when your partner’s symptoms are causing havoc and grief, but they are not ready to seek medical attention?

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Heather Rolland, LCSW Heather Rolland, LCSW

Mindful Habit Transformation

Much of what we do is governed by habit. We may bemoan our bad habits and read self-help articles on building good habits, but putting knowledge into practice can be challenging. Chipping away at unwanted habits of thought, emotion, and behavior takes consistent work and a metric ton of patience. Same goes for building good habits – it takes time and effort, and the process can be frustrating. While you might have a gut sense that all the work is worth it and really does pay off, it can be hard to maintain your efforts and stay reasonably focused and positive. Read on – perhaps some of these tips and ideas may help.

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Heather Rolland, LCSW Heather Rolland, LCSW

Embracing Loneliness

The emotional experience of loneliness is an aching, longing, or yearning for a sense of connection that is painfully absent. Loneliness can be an aspect of grief, and occur in the aftermath of loss. But loneliness can also arrive unbidden, without a precipitating loss; no event, no story may explain the deep ache, that sense of longing for a type of connection that is hard to articulate and harder still to fulfill.

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